The 8th CENA Summer School in Okinawa

CENA (Civil Education Network in Asia) originally began by Sungkonghoe University in Korea, which has a unique graduate program for civic activists called “the NGO Graduate School”. Sungkonghoe University established a master course for Asian NGO activists in English with full-scholarship in 2007, and concluded a Mutual Cooperation Agreement with Keisen University. Waseda Hoshien joined from 2017, and it holds with 9 partners shown below.
The 8th CENA summer school will hold in Okinawa and its theme is “Why a State Kills People?” In this program, you will see students in Asia, live together, and study together about peacebuilding with no military power of Asia.


事前学習の日程 Schedule of Pre school meetings
5月25日(土)~26日(日) | |
May 25th - 26th. | 会津若松で事前学習を行います。沖縄で福島をテーマに学生プレゼンテーションをするためのフィールドワークです。 |
6月1日(土) | |
June 1st. | 映画「ザ・思いやり」上映会。18時半上映開始、20時監督トーク。@奉仕園 |
7月1日(月) | |
July 1st. | 金井創さんによる講演会。18時~20時@日本キリスト教会館2階NCC会議室 Lecture by Rev. Hajime Kanai. 6pm-8pm @ Japan Christian Building 2F Meeting room . |
7月6日(土) | |
July 6th. | 事前学習会。学生プレゼンテーションの打ち合わせ、準備、恵泉女学園大学・上村英明先生によるレクチャー。14時~17時@奉仕園(キリスト教会館11号室) |
Photos from the 7th CENA Summer School
昨年のCENA夏季学校は韓国済州島で今年と同じく「Why a State Kills People?」をテーマに開催しました。
We held CENA Summer School last year in Jeju Island, Korea. The theme of 7th CENA was also "Why a State Kills People?".

Group Photo

日時/Date |
2019年8月26日(月)~31日(土) 5泊6日
August 26th - 31st, 2019 5 nights 6 days |
対象者/Eligible |
undergraduate student, graduate student |
参加費/Participation Fee |
15,000yen +plane ticket |
参加費に含まれるもの Participation fee includes |
accommodation charge(5 nights, group room), food cost(all three meals) |
参加費に含まれないもの Participation fee does not includes |
plane ticket, costs for free time, travel insurance |
利用宿泊施設/Accommodation |
沖縄国際ユースホステル Okinawa International Youth Hostel
定員/Number of entrees |
10名程度 approximately 10 people |
お問い合わせ/For Detail |
公益財団法人早稲田奉仕園 片岡・伊藤
Waseda Hoshien Kataoka/Ito
【TEL】03-3205-5403 【MAIL】program@hoshien.or.jp |
事前学習会と事後報告会へ要参加、報告レポート要提出 You have to participate pre and post school meetings and submit reports 講義、ディスカッション、学生プレゼンテーション等は英語で行います Lecture, discussion, and student presentation etc. will be in English |