Visibility, Belonging and Identity
映画「エミリーとブレーキー」上映&トーク + ミニLIVE

シンガーソングライター・映像作家で African Youth Meetup などでも活躍してきた三浦アークさんにとって、「音楽」は自分を表現する一つのツールでした。見えなくなってしまいたい、でも堂々と見える存在でありたい。社会への違和感、自身の葛藤や孤独、飾らないそのままの想いを詩に綴った彼女の声は、聴くものの心を柔らかく揺さぶり、まっすぐに響かせる力を持っています。また、三浦さんが19歳の時に自主制作した短編映画『エミリーとブレーキー』においても「音楽」は居場所と自己表現を表す大事なテーマになっています。
Exploring the transformative power of music through the stories of two incredible women——.
For Ark Miura, a rising singer-songwriter and filmmaker, and who has also been active in African Youth Meetup, “music” is a deeply personal tool for expressing her inner conflicts, feelings of isolation and the discomfort with the society. As she says, “I want to be invisible, but I also want to be seen.” Her music resonates with listeners, offering a voice to those who struggle with loneliness and social discomfort. At just 19, Ark independently produced her short film Emily and Blakey, centered on music as a theme for community and self-expression.
Emi Takahashi made her mark starring as “Kiku” in the 1959 film Kiku to Isamu (directed by Tadashi Imai), which boldly addressed racism in post-war Japan. Since then, she has become a professional singer, performing Japanese classics that continue to touch hearts across generations.
In this STUDY HALL, we bring these two artists together for a screening of Emily and Blakey, talk and a mini live performance.
What does “music” mean to the two of them?
Join us for this one-night-only-event as we dive deep into a conversation that transcends time, blending storytelling and song to connect artists and audiences alike.
撮影 Photo:佐藤令奈Reina Sato
Ark has also written songs since elementary school, and has performed her songs at various events and put it up on instagram and YouTube.
撮影 Photo:梅澤幸平 Kohei Umezawa
It is their mixed ancestry and love for music that brings the two together. Despite the generational difference, they have been friends.
Currently, Ark is part of an international co-produced documentary project that follows the lives of the two main actors (Emi Takahashi who played "Kiku" and George Okunoyama who played "Isamu") from Kiku to Isamu.
▼About the project▼
Ark has also written songs since elementary school, and has performed her songs at various events and put it up on instagram and YouTube.
It is their mixed ancestry and love for music that brings the two together. Despite the generational difference, they have been friends.
現在、三浦さんは『キクとイサム』で主人公を演じた2人(キク役の高橋さんとイサム役の奥の山ジョージさん)の人生を追う国際共同ドキュメンタリー企画に参加しています。Currently, Ark is part of an international co-produced documentary project that follows the lives of the two main actors (Emi Takahashi who played "Kiku" and George Okunoyama who played "Isamu") from Kiku to Isamu.

Directed by Ark Miura
2022年 / 日本 / 20分 /言語:日本語・英語(日本語・英語字幕付)
2022 / Japan / 20 min. / Language: Japanese and English (with Japanese and English Subtitles)
日時 | 2024年12月6日(金)19:15〜20:45 [18:45開場] |
場所 | 早稲田奉仕園スコットホール |
登壇者 | 三浦アークさん(シンガーソングライター・映像作家) 高橋エミさん(歌手) |
定員 | 60名(状況に応じて定員を引き上げる場合もあります) |
参加費 | 一般 1500円、学生 500円
※参加費は当日現金にて頂戴いたします。事前のお振込みは不要です。 |
申込方法 | 以下「お申込みはこちら」よりフォームをお送りいただくか、メール、電話にてお申込みください。 |
申込締切 | 2024年12月5日(木) |
その他 | 会場入場時にスロープが必要な方、UDトークが必要な方は、フォーム送信時チェックを入れてください。 なお、UDトークが必要な方は、11月28日(木)までを目処にお申し込みいただけると幸いです。大変お手数おかけします。 その他、不安や困りごとがある場合お気軽にお問い合わせください。 program@hoshien.or.jp |

撮影 Photo:佐藤令奈 Reina Sato
三浦 アーク(Ark Miura) さん
2003年、東京都生まれ。アフリカンユースミートアップ代表として、アフリカにルーツを持つ中高生や若者を対象にイベントを学生・社会人メンバーと共に企画・運営してきた。共同監督作品『Ark & Maya:All Mixed Up』は東京ドキュメンタリー映画祭2021で特別上映された。高校卒業後、ギャップ・イヤーを取り、仲間と自主制作映画『エミリーとブレーキー』を制作し、東京外国語大学のTUFS Cinemaで上映された。制作した映像や作詞作曲した歌はインスタグラムまたはYouTubeの@jeunnedarkに載せている。
Born in 2003 in Tokyo. As the representative of African Youth Meetup, she has organized events for young people of African descent in Japan along with members who are students or working full-time. Her co-directed documentary “Ark & Maya: All Mixed Up” has been screened at Tokyo Documentary Film Festival 2021. After graduating high school, she took a gap year to shoot the independent film “Emily & Blakey” with her friends and it was screened at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies’ TUFS Cinema. Her films and songs can be seen on Instagram or Youtube @jeunnedark.

高橋 エミ(Emi Takahashi) さん
1947年、東京都に生まれる。1959年、故水木洋子脚本、故今井正監督の映画『キクとイサム』にキク役で主演。1960年、ブルーリボン賞・演技特別 賞受賞。1976年、東芝EMIよりLPデビュー「旅立ちの詩」発売。1995年、三一書房より『戦争の落とし子ララバイ』発売。2001年、吉田ルイ子写真集『華齢な女たち: beautiful age』30名に登場。その他 1999年より毎年コンサートを実施し、新聞、テレビ、ラジオ等の各分野にて出演・掲載をされてきました。英語は苦手、根っからの下町っ子。ミックスルーツであるが故の肌の違いを理由にいじめを受けた子供時代。苦い思い出はあるものの「わだかまりは、もうありません」とキッパリ語る。逆境の中でも常に明るく、強く生きようと心がけてきた。
Born in 1947 in Tokyo. In 1959, she starred in the film Kiku to Isamu written by the late Yoko Mizuki and directed by late Tadashi Imai. In 1960, She won the Blue Ribbon Awards for Best Performance. In 1976, her debut LP “Tabidachi no Uta” was released through Toshiba Emi. In 1995, a biography about her, “Sengo no Otoshigo Lullaby” was released through Sannichi Shobo. In 2001, she was one of 30 women featured in Ruiko Yoshida’s photobook “Karei na Onna tachi: beautiful age.” From 1999, she has been doing concerts every year and appeared in different newspapers, television and radio programs. She describes herself as a downton girl, and not being very good at English. As a child, she was bullied due to her skin color as she had mixed roots. Although she has bitter memories, she does not hold any grudges. She has always tried to stay lively and strong even in the face of adversity.
まなび舎 | STUDY HALL |
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